Monday, 14 May 2012

More abrevs

more abrevs and other stuff:

L=limited items....they cannot be repaired...but good side is : they keep their full protection or function until broken (3% TT value), often have better eco
unL= unlimited items, these can be repaired. bad side: e.g.: the protection of unL armor goes down when it gets it has to be fully repaired for full protection. This doesnt apply to weapons. Word goes unL miner seekers are less succesfull when they are damaged.
eco= economic, an expression used in Entropia to express a low or no loss in money.
SIB=Skill Increase Bonus, L items such as weapons and mining gear give you a bonus in skilling. This relates to your avatar skill level and the level of item as gun or seeker. Some rare unL items are SIB....usually very expensive
maxed=when the SIB is finished you use the item most eco
LA= Land Area, a piece of land on a planet owned by a player or society, and loot or mining claim on a LA will be taxed by the landowner
Toxic Area= Area that has become toxic after the first robot wars. To enter you can buy a Syringe at the TT. You can fly in toxic area without getting the usual warning....instant kill....
MS=Mother Ship. The biggest spaceship available. basicly 3 ships can go in space: the VTOL(needs thruster), Quad wing (needs thruster), and the MS
pet=tamed animal (wil become active again in 2012) needs a stable and Nutri bars
nutri bar=pet food made of sweet and fruits. Sweet is an enmatter
sweat=life blood of all animals, can be extracted with the VSK (sweat tool)
VSK=vibrant sweat collector...the only free tool provided by MA when starting in EU
FAP=First Aid Pack...its a type of healing device, but is commingly used as a name for all healing devices..Vivo T1, SK20, Herb Box
fapper=a medic that aids hunters, usually better eco for the hunter as they dont have to wear heavy armor or FAP themselves...then the mob regens and the damage must be done again
regen=regenerate, all living things regen over time, avatars but also animals, robots dont!
fruits=can be found on the surface, you need to walk...running dont gives the time to spawn. this is free
dung=dung, used for fertilizing stations...mob spawns

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