Monday, 14 May 2012

The *other* Roni

The *other Roni*

After hunting ambulimax at Nea's Place, I parked my Sleipnir at the central plaza in Port Atlantis. I cleaned up my armor, ambulimax thyroid oil can really wreck it, and while putting it away I looked around if anyone needed a ride to Limnadian District or Twin Peaks....or any other place on Eudora continent.

She came dashing by. Her name was Red. Red Pole Dancer to be precise. "Hey Roni" she shouts, "how are you?". I have a terrible memory for names but I didnt want to look unpolite so I greeted back. "Hullow Red, I'm fine. How are you today?". "Great to see you again Roni! Haven't seen you since you shot me at the old oil rig when I was a noob years ago." I look at her totally baffled. Me, shooting noobs at the rig years ago????

Slowly I realised that there must be another Roni on this planet. Which isn't that strange as it is quite a common name, I just never seen anyone yet with my name. "I'm sorry Red" I replied, "I just came with the latest colonist wave 2 years ago". "So I never been to the *old oil rig* and I never shot noobs". "I only recall shooting Weeder at the oil rig and that must have been a year ago". And he doesnt exactly qualify as noob......

"Oh" she said "I was sure it was you, sorry...". She looked at the Slepinir and asked: "But can you get me to the island south from here?". "Jen's Island? , sure Red" I replied, "hop on and dont forget the seatbelt". "And one other thing: if you want to get back to Port Atlantis, just hit T to get at the revive terminal in Port Atlantis."

She laughs and says: "good to see there are still helpfull people around here"

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