Monday, 14 May 2012

A short introduction to Entropia

A short introduction to Entropia:

Entropia Universe is a product of Mind Ark, a Swedish company in Gothenburg. Started as Project Entropia it is one of the 2 virtual Real Cash Economy worlds. EU has an own currency the PED (project entropia dollar). 1$ equivals 10 PED at a fixed rate. Like SL you can deposit money in the world and transfer ingame money to your RL bank account. The big difference between SL and EU is that SL is user generated content and EU is company generated content. Another big difference is where SL is a sort of quilt of different SIMs with free teleport, Entropia planets have a more realistic area with land masses and islands and have to be real time traveled to reach teleporter points. Those teleporeter points are fixed and usually close to towns, settlements and trade centres. To enter the universe its free, just like SL. Money can be earned mostly with trading, owning land, receiving taxes and design. EU as a real time market economy system. Some regard it as the pinnacle of capitalist thinking. The game is powered by the the Cryengine2 game engine, licensed from Crytek, the developer of the Crysis game series. The engine is quite powerfull and taxing for most systems...even the high end game towers...but you will experience a stunning visual universe with beautifull rendered objects in high detail, dynamic light and shadows, amazing physics.
The Universe consists of planets Calypso, Rocktropia, New Island, Arkadia and Cyrene. they can be visited through space travel. The underlying story is mankind conquering space in the future, having to deal with hostile inhabitants of the planets and revolting robots who used to serve the humans. You enter the world as a new colonist.
EU is skill based, meaning that executing a certain profession like hunting, mining, crafting and Mind Force will give you skill points to level up. 

For an extensive read:

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